It's been a busy month. The family is finding a rhythm, sort of, with Mr's strange work schedule and things are moving along.
At the beginning of December MAT had a CAT scan. He has been having swollen lymph node issues since June so the doctor and I decided it was time to check them out, just to be safe, and to be sure it isn't something serious. Most likely it is just that children's immune systems are constantly under some kind of attack and that's what is causing the prolonged enlargement. In this case, no news from the doctor is the very best news. If it doesn't need immediate treatment we won't hear boo till the follow up appointment, and chances are if it is an issue that doesn't need immediate treatment it isn't a REAL issue at all. That appointment date is January 16 and we haven't heard boo from our ENT yet. Let's be happy with that. I am anxiously awaiting to hear the doctor SAY it is nothing, but the hearing nothing has me strangely at ease.
Other goings on include a trip to the Windy city, Many a Happy Christmas, food, crafts, fitness, and generally loving my life.
Just after MAT's scan I adopted some books and some lovely furniture. We ventured to the Windy city to scoop them up when their owners found out they were gonna move and had 2 weeks to do it. I wish we would have been able to help more and that we had seen more of them while they lived so close. Hindsight is funny that way. So we helped with what we could and visited and they moved their family of three across the country with crazy calm, precision, and speed. To my joy we inherited a load of wonderful literature, a new couch and many many house plants. I have already started in on some of the classic...that I have never read... I am so ashamed. But aren't they BEAUTIFUL!
Then it was Christmas number 1, with my parents and siblings. It was a super wonderful day with loads of family fun and love. And will you believe not a single photo was taken of the fun, just the aftermath.
They were all asleep before we hit the highway. Morgan is asleep behind them in the back too. It was a wonderful day.
Then it was Christmas day.
We opened presents and played and played and played. It was a wonderful day. We have had a lot of those lately.
Then after the holiday, life returned to normal...well that kind of normal, that is normal for us.
I made some new quilt squares, always a good time.
DOT thought they looked like something for him, he was quite bothered when he learned they weren't for him.This is his "These are NOT for ME? You must be joking" face.
In other normal for us news Morgan has taken over Watermelons bed. Watermelon doesn't seem to mind and Morgan doesn't seem to mind that she doesn't really fit in it. This is her "What? I totally fit in the bed. I am ROCKIN this two sizes too small bed!"
She is too wonderful for words.
And then it was 2012, officially.
No pictures of New Years Eve, of course, but I do believe the "I stayed awake the longest" award goes to MAT. I left him watching a movie at 10:30. Mr. T won the award for first asleep, he even beat DOT to the title.
2012 Garden planning has begun!
And I'm gonna be honest, with the weirdness of this weather we have been having, next to no snow and last week we had a 55 degree day, in January, in Northern Indiana, the SNOW capitol of the state. We have had a total of like 10 inches fall so far. It is totally bizarre. Anyway, because of the weird weather I am considering planting some lettuces and other cold hardy veggies because, well, I dont have to dig under 4 feet of snow to get to them. I am also considering trimming the apple trees, again because, well, the weather is warm enough that I won't have to wear a parka, or trudge through the snow. I have no idea what this weather means for the planting and growing seasons ahead, but I suppose we will find out.
Gratuitous cute baby shot #2.
Shut up, I'm his mother and this is the greatest face ever.
In other news, I have joined the make all our bread club...Mr. T and I have both tried our hands at the baking, I am great at traditional white breads and wheat bread. Mr. T excels at pizza dough and sandwich slice bread. I am nearly ready to start my own sour dough mother, but I want to get more in the routine of daily bread making first.
Today it was the first try at French bread, it turned out spectacularly.
I have been baking and cooking new things and trying all the soup recipes I can get my hands on. It is fabulous. Tonight was homemade cream of broccoli and french bread. It was SO good.
MAT asked for seconds, which was impressive because he doesn't typically like soup or broccoli, and RAT actually took a bite of the soup, swallowed it, without making a face, thought about it, and then said he didn't like it and asked for some apple sauce. They both approved of the bread, thankfully. They can be a little picky about bread. So that's the happenings around here.
Also, I have decided to get fit. This is a month along already, not a New Years resolution. It is more of a "get your ass in shape, you can't even do 5 push up's? you want to play with your children? don't you want a new wardrobe and to be able to make your own clothes without having to buy 5 yards of fabric for one shirt dress? you gained 10 POUNDS Thanksgiving week and that is ALL the weight you lost in the YEAR after your third child was born, do SOMETHING about this right now!" kind of thing.
It has been surprisingly smooth so far. I have lost 10 pounds, in a month just by eating proper portion sizes, watching my caloric intake and moving an hour or so a day, not even exercising necessarily, just up on my feet doing things, the weight comes right off. I am working out a little at a time. I don't want to overdo it and then burn out. I want this to be a lasting and healthy change in my life. I am still working on self control, but when your stomach is the size of a grapefruit instead of a football, self control comes pretty easily.
So that's the low down on the goings on of the Little Squidgen Home. I hope your Holiday's were lovely and happy and that the New Year is being good to you so far.
Totally unrelated- Anyone have a sour dough mother recipe for me? or positive assurance that I am capable of maintaining it?
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